• JavaScript: HTML from Strings and How To Prevent XSS Attacks


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    In JavaScript, you can create HTML elements from strings using the document.createRange and createContextualFragment methods. These methods allow you to parse an HTML string and create the corresponding DOM elements. Here is an example of using these methods to create HTML elements from a string: In this code, the createRange method is used to create…

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  • How To Create HTML Using JavaScript?


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    In JavaScript, you can create new HTML elements and add them to the DOM using the document.createElement method. This method allows you to create an element with a specified tag name and add it to the document. Here is an example of how to use the document.createElement method to create a new HTML element: In…

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  • What are built-in and custom Data Attributes in JavaScript?


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    In Javascript, data attributes are special attributes that allow you to store custom data on HTML elements. Data attributes are defined using the data- prefix, followed by the name of the attribute. There are two types of data attributes in JavaScript: built-in data attributes and custom data attributes. Built-in data attributes are attributes that are…

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  • What are Element Properties and Methods in JavaScript?


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    In JavaScript, the Document Object Model (DOM) provides properties and methods for accessing and manipulating elements in an HTML or XML document. These properties and methods allow you to change the content and appearance of elements, listen for events, and perform other operations on elements. Here are some examples of element properties and methods in…

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  • How To Select Elements in JavaScript DOM?


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    In JavaScript, the Document Object Model (DOM) provides several methods for selecting elements in an HTML or XML document. These methods allow you to access and manipulate elements in the document using JavaScript. Here are a few ways to select elements in the DOM: Once you have selected an element or a list of elements,…

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  • What is DOM in JavaScript?


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    In JavaScript, the Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface that represents the structure of an HTML or XML document and allows you to manipulate its content and style. The DOM is created by the web browser when a web page is loaded. It defines a standard way of accessing and manipulating the content…

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