How To Use Form Events in JavaScript

In JavaScript, form events are events that are triggered on form elements, such as input fields, buttons, and select boxes. These events can be used to handle user interactions with form elements and perform actions based on the specific element that was interacted with.

Some common form events in JavaScript include:

  • submit: This event is triggered when a user submits a form.
  • focus: This event is triggered when a user focuses on an input field.
  • blur: This event is triggered when a user focuses on an input field and then moves the focus to another element.
  • change: This event is triggered when a user changes the value of an input field.

Here is an example of using form events in JavaScript:

// Select the form element on the page
var form = document.querySelector('form');

// Add a submit event listener to the form
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
  // Handle the form submission
  console.log('Form submitted');

// Select the input field on the form
var input = form.querySelector('input[type="text"]');

// Add a focus event listener to the input field
input.addEventListener('focus', function(event) {
  // Handle the input field being focused on
  console.log('Input field focused');

// Add a blur event listener to the input field
input.addEventListener('blur', function(event) {
  // Handle the input field losing focus
  console.log('Input field blurred');

// Add a change event listener to the input field
input.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
  // Handle the input field value changing
  console.log('Input field value changed');

In this example, we are adding event listeners to the form and input field elements on the page. When the user interacts with these elements, the corresponding form events are triggered and handled in the event listeners. This allows us to perform actions based on user interactions with form elements.